Robot Platform
The system developers always faces challenges to develop a Robot platform along with the complex requirements of hardware and software for robotic systems.
Many of the past robot control platforms were complex, expensive, and not very user friendly. Even though several of the previous platforms were designed to provide an open architecture system, very few of the previous platforms have been reused.
Our Robot platform is an open source platform for the developers to build their own application over it.

About Robot Platform
Mapping, Navigation, Recharging, Management & More
The Robotic Platform includes autonomous mapping & navigation, autonomous recharging, cloud remote management, Intelligent obstacle avoidance, Accurate positioning and Multisensor fusion algorithm.
It includes SLAM (simultaneous localization and mapping) that lets you build a map and localize your robot in that map at the same time.
It has strong base for better stability and better performance
Dimension 36 * 22 * 48 inch
Weight 70 - 110Kg
Power Consumption 24V
Materials Aluminium, Steel
Sensor IR, Ultrasound, LADAR, Encoder,Camera
Battery Duration 4 to 12H