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About Project

Kids Engaging Toys

Introducing EduBot, the innovative AI-based kid engaging toy designed to revolutionize interactive learning and entertainment for children. With advanced voice assistant technology, comprehensive parental controls, and robust analytics, EduBot creates a safe and controlled environment that fosters cognitive development and creativity.

  • Dimension 500mm Diagonal Size
  • Weight 800 Gram
  • Power Consumption 12V
  • Materials ABS Plastic
  • Sensor Accelerometer, Gyro, Compass, GPS, Barometer, Camera
  • Battery Duration 30 min to 1 H








Awesome Feature

We are intelligence in action.

Voice Assistant Interaction

Engage in educational conversations and games with a child-friendly voice assistant. Encourage language development, problem-solving, and creativity through interactive dialogues.

Parental Control

Customizable settings empower parents to manage screen time, content access, and age-appropriate interactions. Monitor and adjust preferences effortlessly through a user-friendly mobile app.

Educational Content

Access a curated library of age-appropriate educational games, stories, and activities. Enjoy continuously updated content to keep children engaged and challenged.

Safety Measures

Benefit from built-in safety features that ensure a secure online environment. Rest assured with strict adherence to privacy standards and guidelines.

Analytics and Progress Tracking

Gain insights into your child's learning progress and preferences through a comprehensive parental dashboard. Experience adaptive learning algorithms that tailor content based on individual needs and strengths.

Multi-Sensory Experience

Immerse children in a multi-sensory environment with touch, sound, and visual stimuli for holistic learning experiences.

Firmware Updates

Stay up-to-date with regular firmware updates that enhance features, security, and overall performance.

Customer Support

Receive dedicated customer support for assistance and inquiries. Access online resources and tutorials for a seamless user experience.